In 2015, the Commission for Assessment Without Levels published its final report providing schools with clarification for the reasons for removing levels and recommendations for next steps. What have we learned in the past 10 years? What mistakes have been made? How has data collection and tracking affected workload? When it comes to data in schools, what works and what doesn’t?

Even today, many school data systems are accountability-focused, built from the top down, rather than designed from the classroom upwards to help teachers support pupils’ learning. This conference aims to equip you with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to transform the data culture in your school; to make it learning-centred and workload-light.

Join our regular speakers James Pembroke (Insight, Sig+, @jpembroke), Richard Selfridge (primary teacher, consultant, @databusting), and Josh Perry (SmartGrade, Carousel, @bringmoredata), along with 1 or 2 guest speakers at each event, for a step-by-step guide to rationalising your data life.

I thought it was brilliant! I got home and did a SWOT analysis of assessment in our school to help focus where we are and where we need to go next. I just wish all the leaders in my Trust could’ve been there.” (attendee of DISCO Solihull, 23 Nov 2023)

DISCO Solihull, 23 Nov 2023
DISCO Solihull, 23 Nov 2023